Management Control, as well as the Integrated Certification System, is a fundamental pivot of the Company’s management model. This management model is ramified in every sector of the Company ,thus allowing the full and effective economic/financial control of the same. Based on a modern Information System, Management Control and related Analytical Accounting are crucial elements of Corporate monitoring and improvement. Thanks to the adoption of a modern software tool for the integrated management of the Technical and Administrative Areas, the entire Company has been brought back to a single data management platform. Currently this tool, allows full and detailed control of the Job Orders integrated into the company’s Co.Ge. and Co.An. The Management reporting set up allows for constant monitoring of the Company so that, corrective actions can be taken promptly to protect the various stakeholders. The systematic and constant surveying of the major Corporate Performance Indicators, allows us to constantly monitor the Economic/Financial parameters of Costruire s.p.a. and to promptly intervene, with corrective actions, to support corporate strategies